Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Newsletter T3 Wk8


This week I have had a seemingly cast of thousands assessing our school for major works under the Building the Education Revolution program.

A team from Richard Crookes Construction measured, surveyed and took photos as an initial fact finding task. These results go to head office and they equate our building wish list with available money.

Hopefully we will receive some positive news in the next month or so. Once major works have been budgeted and approved, work will commence before 1st December.

This building will impact on the school in the short term however, the benefits will far outweigh any short term problems. We just need to be flexible.


The two rooms known as the Oosh room and the RFF room have now been cabled, which means for the first time at Corrimal East Public School we have every classroom networked.

These two rooms are also set up to house an Interactive white board. This presents exciting possibilities as we look for extra ways to extend our students in the key area of Technology.


This week we continue our communication with our local preschools. We have visits organized over two days, they are as follows:

· Wednesday 16th September – Pioneer Road Long Day Care and Gumnut Village will be visiting our school from 9.30 am – 10.15 am.

· Thursday 17th September – KU East Corrimal will be visiting our school from 9.45am – 10.30 am.

Children visiting our school will be joining with our current Kindergarten students and participating in a short literacy lesson. At the conclusion they will meet with their parents where they will enjoy a quick morning tea.


Have all your child’s school information organised in the one place, neatly filed and easily accessible. It’s not impossible! Simply go to: www.schools.nsw.edu.au/news/schooldays/index.php then download and print off folder covers and section dividers. It also contains useful homework helpers, a school handbook and information on student health. It looks great when it’s finished and you can add in your child's school reports and artwork throughout the year. Store the folder in a handy place and your life will be so much easier.


The National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) is inviting all Australians to participate in an online survey to help bring child abuse out into the open. Follow the link at: www.preventingchildabuse.com.au.The survey is open until 1 November.


As a parent, there are several actions you can take to help keep your child safe online and not having a computer in your child’s room may be an answer. Check out the latest Click ezine for advice on cyber safety and much more: www.schools.nsw.edu.au/click.


As the weather starts to heat up it is timely reminder that, as part of our Sun Protection policy, all students need to be wearing hat once they are outside. A simple precaution now by wearing a hat can save a lot of grief in later years when sun spots change into melanoma. Please support the school on this issue as we are endeavouring to instil heavy lifestyle choices for our children.


The NAPLAN results are in and your child’s report will be sent

home today.

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