Friday, May 23, 2008

Term 2 Week 4 Newsletter

National Testing
Last week our Year 3 and Year 5 participated in the first National testing. This test took the place of the Basic Skills Test which was previously confined to just NSW. Our results were compared to schools right across NSW, the National Test, as the name suggests will allow results to be compared to other schools right across Australia. As there are variances in curriculum content in other states it will be interesting to see how the NSW system, and in particular, our students compare to students the same age in other states.
Thank you to our Year 3 and Year 5 teachers for effectively administering this test and also to Mrs Gonzaga for her overall outstanding organization.

Mothers Day Stall
Thank you to Sharon, Jodie and their hard working team for their terrific effort in providing our 2008 Mothers Day Stall. Our students were provided with a wide array of gifts and the decorated bags were a magnificent innovation. Thank you again.

P& C - Fundraising
Thank you to everybody who helped in any way with the Mother’s Day Stall. We hope every mum enjoyed receiving her gifts the children selected. The gift bags the children decorated looked great. Thank you to the teachers for their efforts with the decorating. The voucher shopping was very successful and we will be introducing a cashless-voucher only shopping for the Father’s Day Stall. More information will follow closer to the day.

Student Welfare and Anti-Bullying Policy
Our staff have been working reviewing and implementing certain variations to our current Student Welfare Policy. Like all effective organizations it is important to revise and review our operational practices.
Procedural fairness and equity must underpin and support all of our decision making and have a positive emphasis.
Any variations to our current policy will be communicated to the whole school community in the near future.